The part where the video is talking about the souces of fear is interesting, like money and losing national identity. This is hard for me to understand since the groups that have caused problems for Turkey's national identity have never been immigrants, but other local ethnicities such as Armenians, Greeks and Kurds. Immigrants such as Balkanic people and Circassians have always preferred hanging on to the Turkish national identity. Nowadays that is changing. Circassian groups are also demanding mother language and other cultural rights. But their migration is different from this modern migration, of course.
The part where the video is talking about the souces of fear is interesting, like money and losing national identity. This is hard for me to understand since the groups that have caused problems for Turkey's national identity have never been immigrants, but other local ethnicities such as Armenians, Greeks and Kurds. Immigrants such as Balkanic people and Circassians have always preferred hanging on to the Turkish national identity. Nowadays that is changing. Circassian groups are also demanding mother language and other cultural rights. But their migration is different from this modern migration, of course.